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National Forensic Science Week

National Forensic Science Week is September 15-21, 2024.  

Greetings fellow Forensic Associates!

We are happy to provide information for the 12th anniversary of National Forensic Science Week (NFSW), September 15th to the 21rd, 2024. NFSW always falls on the third full week of September. We are a committee of members assigned from various Forensic Associations by the Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations (CFSO). Our goals are to promote the forensic sciences by spreading awareness, creating information/preparation packets, and other ways to celebrate National Forensic Science Week. The Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations (CFSO) is an association of forensic science professional organizations and have created this committee from the various organizations represented ( the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), The American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT), the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD), the International Association for Identification (IAI), the International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners, the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME), and the Society of Forensic Toxicologists and American Board of Forensic Toxicology (SOFT).  

The goals for this committee are to reach out to various forensic bodies to present information and encourage agencies, institutions, and organizational bodies to participate in NFSW. The group has divided up many areas to spread information. These include educational institutions, legislative/government bodies, public outreach, forensic institutional outreach, media outreach, and organizational outreach.


Political Outreach

Institutional Outreach

Public Outreach

Organizational Outreach

Scheduled Events

Official Proclamations

Helpful Links:

The CFSO Ad Hoc Committee Members for National Forensic Science Week are:   Jeff Gurvis (IAI), Penny Dechant (IAI), Ken Martin (IAI), Emily Rue  (AAFS), Matthew Go (AAFS), Ken Melson (AAFS), Jennifer Naugle (ASCLD), Tim Kupferschmid (ASCLD), Erin Forry (ASCLD), Matthew Gamette (ASCLD), Jenna Aungst (NAME), MJ Menendez (NAME), James Gill (NAME)