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Disclaimer:  While CFSO was the convening entity for a discussion on this topic to provide information to forensic science service providers, and ultimately published the above linked document with possible approaches to avoid a constitution violation, the document does not represent an official position of CFSO or any Consortium member. This document is not meant as a definitive word on this topic, but rather to be a starting point to open the discussion on the topic. The forensic science community welcomes all perspectives on this topic and this website is dedicated to posting court decisions and substantive positions and publications of various organizations and individuals on this topic. Consideration of diverse perspectives on this topic and open publication of those ideas is vital as we will all benefit from a professional legal and science-based discussion. CFSO encourages all officers of the court and others to publish on this topic so that the collective forensic science community can benefit from the open sharing of information and ideas. Individuals desiring to submit publications or court decisions for this page should submit them to