The Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations (CFSO) was established at an American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting in 2001. Prior to its creation, each organization representing forensic science practitioners would meet with Congressional policymakers to present the State of Forensic Science. There were numerous Members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, who were sympathetic to the needs of the forensic community. It was suggested by the Members of Congress, as well as key figures in the White House and the Department of Justice, that the community should coordinate its efforts to ensure that they “speak with one voice”. Barry Fisher, then President of the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors, working with policymakers on the Hill, and in the White House, proposed the Consortium of Forensic Science Organizations. AAFS, ASCLD, ASCLD/LAB, IAI and NAME agreed to join the organization.
Joe Polski, past IAI President, became the first CFSO chair. Pete Marone followed Joe Polski as Chair, and Matthew Gamette followed Pete Marone. Over the years, the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN), Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT), American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT), American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL), and the International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners (IACME) joined CFSO. The initial CFSO members were Mike Sheppo (ASCLD), Barry Fisher (AAFS), Jaime Downs (NAME), Joe Polski (IAI) and Pete Marone (ASCLD-LAB).
Since that time CFSO Board Members have also included Ken Martin (IAI), Jill Spriggs (ASCLD), Matthew Gamette (ASCLD), Marie Marino (IAFN), Delores Krebs (IAFN), Christopher Thompson (AAPL), Kim Collins (NAME), Lindsay Thomas (NAME), Jonathan Arden (NAME), Victor Weedn (AAFS), Ken Melson (AAFS), Tim Rohrig (SOFT/ABFT), James Gill (NAME), Yale Caplain (ABFT), John Fudenberg (IACME), Bobbi Jo O’Neal (IACME), Marc Lebeau (SOFT/ABFT). Board members continue to visit DC on a regular basis to advocate for issues of importance to the CFSO membership and forensic science practitioners. Beth Lavach, began working for CFSO in 2000, and continues to serve as the lobbyist for CFSO.
Articles of Incorporation here